Friends and Patrons Impact Success of the Chorus
Most organizations reach their full potential with the assistance of a strong foundation of supporters who provide monetary donations and other services. The Salado Community Chorus is no exception.
The most frequently asked question around town about the Salado Community Chorus is “How do they do it?”
Through information provided by the chorus and interviews with Salado residents Dave Broecker, owner of the Broecker Funeral Home, and Hulda Horton, a long-time resident of the village, we discovered that it is love of community and the musical arts.
Broecker and his wife, Patricia, in addition to Horton are members of a group, known as “Friends of the Chorus.” They are two of 126 citizens from Salado and throughout the area who are SCC advocates as either Patrons or Friends, according to Deborah Hays, treasurer of the 2023 chorus. “We also depend on grants and corporate benefactors to fund other operating expenses. “
Hays said, “We get several anonymous cash donations, as well, at the concerts. Donations totaled $11,984.95 last year.”
Donations supply technical support, guest musicians at concerts, printing of posters, programs, advertising, and stipends for the director and pianist.
There are two levels of yearly giving. A “Friend” donates $50-$199 per Year. A “Patron” donates $200 or more per year.
Chorus member Naomi Roupe said, “We sponsor a simple appreciation dinner for our donors each year to express our thanks. The next dinner will be in October or November 2023.” (Invitation only)
Dave Broecker has been a “Friend” of the chorus for the past 20 years.
Shortly after arriving in Salado, Dave and Pat met Cathy Sands who encouraged them to join, which they did, and started going to concerts. “We thought it was an important part of Salado and that residents encourage the chorus by their attendance,” according to Dave.
Dave said, “It’s important that we continue that support because the SCC is not a fund-raising kind of organization. It’s a doing and giving group of singers and that’s what I appreciate.”
“For example, Jane Wilmer, who celebrated her 99th birthday on April 2, sang with the chorus for at least 27 years then moved to California two years ago. It was rewarding to see people like her sharing their gift.”
According to Dave, the “Friends and Patrons” are cheerleaders for the chorus and encourage others to join. “When I hear a voice that would be a good addition, I recruit them immediately and direct them to Dottie,” he said.
Long-time resident Hulda Horton, 93, is not only a “Friend” of the Chorus but sang alto in the first SCC Women’s Chorale in 1994.
In 2000, Dr. Betty Thorne became the director and added men singers changing the group to a mixed chorus. Horton said, “I liked that because it added a lower and stronger foundation to our sound.”
“I sang with the chorus for about five years, and I wanted to continue being involved in the chorus even after I left. That’s why I became a “Friend of the Chorus.” It was important for me to become a “Friend” because the SCC is beneficial to our community.”
Director Shirley said, “Our wish is that even more people in the village would become “Friends/Patrons” and in return we will dedicate ourselves to delivering the topmost quality of vocal music.”
“It’s easy to become a “Friend/Patron” by making online payments through our website ( by clicking on the DONATE button and setting up an account using your credit card or checking account or mail us a check to Salado Community Chorus, P.O. Box 443, Salado, TX, 76571-0443. Either way, we’ll send you a letter of thanks to use in claiming a tax deduction,” said SCC President Pollock.
For more information or questions about signing up, contact President Ana Pollock, or Treasurer Deborah Hays at
Donate to Become a Friend of the Chorus
Thank you so much for wanting to contribute! We are so grateful for a contribution of any amount since it is through those that we are able to continue. The Salado Community Chorus is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the promotion of music and harmony in the Village of Salado through free public concerts and performances.
The Chorus personnel and guest instrumentalists are volunteers from Salado and surrounding cities. Membership dues, grants, donations, Friends / Patrons of the Chorus and Organization / Corporate benefactors provide funding for the music and other operating expenses.
Become a FRIEND OF THE CHORUS by making a tax-deductible donation of $50 or more. Or contribute $200 or more and become a PATRON OF THE CHORUS!
Please complete the INFORMATION FORM (below) and then click on the DONATE button. We use PAYPAL to process our online payments. It is so easy to setup your account using your credit card or your checking account. A safe, easy way to pay. Or you can send us a check - either way we'll send you a letter for use in claiming a tax deduction.
Salado Community Chorus
PO Box 443
Salado, TX 76571-0443
Or you can contact the Chorus Director or President.
(If on the mobile site you do not see a DONATE button or the INFORMATION FORM directly below this statement, please go to your computer to make your donation.)